Why something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue?
 To insure a happy and lasting marriage, a bride should carry something old from someone who has been married for a long time and something new, to
carry into her new life. Something borrowed, “borrowed happiness”, something blue, “the color blue has been associated with purity and modesty”. A penny in your shoe, place a penny in your shoe to bring good fortune and protection against want.

So, here are the treasures I have discovered and ideas I have dug out of my creative soul to share with you this month…..

Something old
Be creative here. Ask your grandmother for an old picture of your grandfather & grandmother together at their wedding or a time that was special to
them. Copy and reduce it and put it in your shoe or have your florist work it into your bouquet on your wedding day.
Something new
Because your entire trousseau is usually fits the new category, this can be serious or silly. Something that would really help you stay comfortable at the reception.  New in-soles, you know the soft, pillow like inserts you put into your shoes ! Aw-w-w…
Something borrowed
Something from your dad or mother, sister, or best friend always has special meaning. It doesn’t always need to be something you wear.  Borrow a favorite book of love poems, and have it at the alter to read a special poem, that touches both of your hearts.  Or, couple up the Something Old with the Something Borrowed – perhaps borrow an old hairpin or brooch from your grandmother and have it worked into your hairstyle, bouquet or a piece of jewelry.
Something blue
So many things…let your mind run wild. Anything Tiffany Blue, or a blue broach that can be pined to the ribbon of your flower bouquet, blue under garments, blue sandals you can change into when your feet get tired at the reception, or even pretty blue heels.  If you have an heirloom piece of jewelry, like a grandmother’s wedding ring, you can again, combine your ‘Somethings’ by tying a blue ribbon around the ring and attaching it to the inside of your dress or bouquet.  You’ve now covered Something old and something blue, and if you’re only borrowing it, you’ve covered something borrowed too.


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