For our wedding, I wanted cupcakes. I absolutely love cupcakes – a cake I can hold in my hand and eat? Yes please. As I’ve said before our wedding was almost all DIY, we were having non-traditional wedding – no DJ, no garter toss, no bouquet toss, no first dance, etc. We had wine tasting, hand-made pizzas, wine tasting, champagne, wine tasting…you get the picture. So, even though I’m no baker (and by the recipe below, you’ll note that I really wasn’t this day either), I wanted to bake and frost my own cupcakes, and I decided I wanted to make chai tea flavored cupcakes. There was a bit of concern that the kids might not dig this flavor too much, but I threw caution to the wind and came up with my chai tea cupcake recipe. Turned out that, besides the lot of wine, the cupcakes were quite the hit – especially with the kids. So, here’s what I did:
I bought a Betty Crocker white cake box (no I’m not kidding), I substituted the oil for butter, and I added in chai tea spices to taste. You’ll find that most of my recipes are ‘to taste’, some day I’ll actually have to pull out a measuring spoon just so I can give you a real recipe. I also bought Betty Crocker white vanilla frosting and added the chai tea spices to taste. Here are the spices I used: cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, and allspice.
This was a fun experiment because I had to make a few batches and let my fiance, friends and family taste test until we got it just right. I probably have the exact amounts written on a post-it note with my wedding memories. I’ll have to find it and give you the proper recipe;) Until then, enjoy experimenting with your own chai tea cake or cupcakes.