So, my standard drink order when I go (er, when I used to go, pre-baby) to a bar was always a Grey Goose Madras: Grey Goose Vodka, cranberry juice, orange juice. It was yummy, provided me with Vitamin C (hee hee) and wasn’t too strong (because I am a typical girl who doesn’t want to actually taste the alcohol). Last night when I was looking through The Bartender’s Black Book (5th Edition) by Stephen Kittredge Cunningham in an effort to find a new signature drink for you, I came across the Flying Madras. I thought, well, I love a Madras and I love champagne (the additional ingredient in the Flying Madras), plus Champagne screams wedding right? If orange or pink is in your colors, this drink may be a good option and you could even build a centerpiece around orange slices or cranberries (depending on how much you add of the specific ingredient). Here’s the recipe for a Flying Madras:
Fill glass with ice.
2 oz. vodka
2 oz. cranberry juice
2 oz. orange juice
Fill with champagne.
Garnish with Orange.