This project was originally created for a bridal show. We wanted to show how simple clear cylindrical vases could be used in varying heights with an easy DIY wedding craft to make a stunning centerpiece. Add a few floralytes or remove the flowers in place of candles and you get a whole new effect.
What we used:
- Clear cylindrical vases in varying heights
- Scraps of dupioni silk found at the fabric store in platinum and pink
- Glue gun
- Fabric cutter and cutting board
What we did:
- Knowing the diameter of each vase, we accounted for a 1/4″ fold over at the seam and the top and bottom, then calculated how much fabric we would need for the number of vases we had. Once we bought the fabric, we cut each piece to size so that the vase could easily slide in and out of the fabric wrap
- We then folded approx. 1/4″ at the seam and glue gunned it down and did the same with the top and bottom. We then wrapped the fabric around the vase and glue gunned the seams together (with the folded portion on the outside).
As you can see from the pictures, there are many different variations of styles you can come up with. Tie’ing the ribbon like a corset is more difficult than it looks, but creates a nice touch especially if the bride’s dress is a corset style. Because of it’s difficulty, it might be a good style for the sweetheart table – a special vase to match the bride on their table.