Yes, our 2 year old has an iPod.  Actually, he’s had this iPod since he was born.  You see, we wanted a small iPod for his room that we could put all his music on so that there would never be any chance of some of our ‘inappropriate’ music popping on.  It’s been great.  My husband made a playlist for going to bed, a playlist for when our son wakes up (mellow with just a bit of energy), and daytime play (this is our dance mix). 

No Itsy Bitsy Spider for us!!!!  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  You see, it all started while on a camping trip with another couple and their baby.  Our friends had their iPod going one day on a continuous loop playing songs like the itsy bitsy spider.  After hours of listening and I do mean many, many hours, of the same [what seemed to be] 5 songs, my husband and I decided right then and there that when we had our baby, we would search high and low for music that WE could listen to without wanting to throw ourselves in the campfire.

Our search was not in vain.  I have compiled a small list (to be added to later) for your listening enjoyment.

1 & 2:  One of our favorite bands for our son’s iPod is Recess Monkey.  Two great songs by them are “Bad Ideas” and “Backpack”.  Click the link above to visit their Amazon store, you can listen to a sample and buy the songs individually or the whole album.

3 & 4.  For all you parents out there who still harbor a passion for punk (and jazz and blue), the Asylum Street Spankers is for you.  Specifically, the album entitled “Mommy Says No!” is a great ride for kids and parents alike.  The title song is a great kid/punk song, and “You Only Love Me for my Lunch Box” provides a little jazzy blues feel.  Note, however though that they are NOT a kid band – as evidenced by their other albums.

5 & 6. They Might Be Giants has an absolute boatload of kid’s music, just click the link to view and listen.  2 specific songs that we like are “Why Does the Sun Shine?  The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas” from the album “Severe Tire Damage” and “Older” from the album “Mink Car”.

7 & 8.  Known for his simple acoustic surfer-rock, Jack Johnson put together an album entitled “Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George”.  The entire album is a great one, but we thought we’d highlight 2 of our favorites, “Jungle Gym” and “The 3 R’s”.  The latter is a great song that sings about learning how to take care of our earth, specifically Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  With Earth Day fast approaching, this would be a fun and great album or song to download for you and your tots.

9 & 10.  Rounding out our top 10 is Elizabeth Mitchell whose albums are, in fact, a little more on the traditional side.  With songs like “You Are My Sunshine” and “Down in the Valley”, you may think to shy away fearing it be too kid-like, but fear not.  Elizabeth’s songs are well done and just right.  Two of our favorites come from her album, “You Are My Little Bird” and are “Little Liza Jane” and “Who’s My Pretty Baby”.

Now it’s your turn to start filling up that iPod for your child.  Tell us songs, albums and artists that you love.

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