My son turns 3 next month and it’s amazing how far he’s come along. In the mornings and evenings, he can and will pretty much dress himself albeit with a little help and encouragement from me. Some days he wakes up, changes his pull-up, puts on his clothes and comes sauntering in with a big ol’ smile (usually weekends when I want to sleep in) and other days, he lays in his bed jibber jabbering to his animals for as long as I’ll let him (usually school/work days when I need to get us out the door in a reasonable amount of time). It is for those latter days, that I thought I’d create some fun morning and nighttime routine to do charts for him. Granted, he can’t read yet, so hopefully the pictures will help. At the very least, it will be a bit of a learning opportunity for him and a fun way to get ready in the morning and evening. Also, be sure to check out our Etsy Shop for some fun Kids’ To Do List Subway Art
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It’s not working for me either. I got a “Thank You” when I switched to IE, but I didn’t receive any confirmation or relink. My son is starting preschool next week and these would work perfectly 🙂
Love the printables, but i have the same problem as robin.I can’t subscribe.
Hi Celia,
Not sure why this happened to you, but I do apologize. I just went onto the site and subscribed you from the subscribe box on the main page. It worked, so keep a lookout for your confirmation email. Once you confirm your subscription, you will receive your welcome email with your password information.
It didn’t work for me either!
It may seem like it doesn’t work because it just directs back to the home page, but when you check your email, you should receive a confirm subscription and then a welcome email.
Mel, I know you confirmed with me that everything is working for you, but I just wanted to put this reply on the comment thread in case others think they’re having the same issue.
Love the printables, but can’t seem to ‘subscribe’.
Hi Robin,
I think I’ve fixed the issue on this post. Sorry for that. I’ve also manually added you, so now you just need to keep an eye out for the confirmation email. Once you’ve confirmed your subscription, you’ll receive a welcome email with your password. Thanks for joining and we look forward to hearing more from you;)