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You know that girl who is always cold even in 80 degree weather?  Yeah, I’m that girl.  I wasn’t always that girl.  I mean, well, I KIND OF was always that girl, but maybe not to that extreme.  The thing is, I work in an office building now where the temperature is so F’d up that you could literally walk 100 feet and go from freezing cold to toasty warm.  Wanna guess where my desk is?  Yep, it’s in the artic area of the building.  They, of course (because I’m a whiny baby) have done everything they can possibly do to make my area warmer – vents closed, a separate thermometer in the conference room that controls my area, etc.  Did I mention my area backs up to the freezer, er, I mean computer room?  That’s my theory, but I’ve been debunked.  Needless to say, I am now, offically, ALWAYS cold.  I think someone may have cursed me to be honest.  Go to a restaurant – I get the a/c blasting on me, into a retail establishment – yup, freezing.  I’m cursed to be cold.  Someone more zen than me will tell me that I need to be more positive and imagine myself entering a warm space and whallah, the curse will be gone.  I am zen.  I am not that zen.

So, a couple of weeks ago, you can imagine my bliss when San Diego hit the high 80’s.  Man, it was spectacular!  I even wore a sundress – sleeveless!  I am forever carrying around my long sleeve sweater – putting it on, taking it off.  Honestly, the only reason I take it off is because I want to be cool like all the others out there wearing tank tops and shorts in 70 degree weather.  But not that weekend, that weekend, I was normal like everyone else.  Well, not quite normal, I was happy as a clam while my husband was practically dying of heat stroke.  But, at least I wasn’t a resident of San Diego wearing long sleeves anymore.

And then…it rained:(  Out came my long sleeve sweaters again. 

Today’s free printables are my way of inviting summer to come back.  Summer, look what I’ve gone and made…Summer Drink Tags perfect for those backyard summer parties where we can all run and frolic in our summer dresses and summer hats and sip on lemonade and ice tea, and lemon drops and long island iced teas (hee hee).  Anywho, this is for you Summer – wherever you are.

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4 Responses to “{Free Printables} Summer Drink Tags”

  1. JJ says:

    Good god, I misspelled “here/hear,” and “like minded” is two words. Obviously, the English degree hasn’t had much of a workout lately…

  2. JJ says:

    A quick, not-so-terribly-interesting story about how the ‘Net is making the world a smaller place (although I wouldn’t want to have to paint it. haha Get it? You see, that’s a joke…because, you know, it’s really not THAT small…the world that is…and it would take a few weekends to get all those continents and polar caps covered, especially if you had to primer it first). My two daughters (soon to be 14 and 16…yikes) were looking at my yearbooks a little while back, and asking me about the people who had signed them. Needless to say, my answers to them were basically “I don’t remember” and “I have no idea”. Then they asked about what you wrote and I said “cool gal” and “kinda artsy”. That was that. A few weeks later I was working on a song that was a fun little throwback to old new wave Duran Duran stuff, which made me think about my youth, and artsy/likeminded people I knew way back when. So, figuring you were somebody who was up to something creative, I took a peek around cyberspace, and voila, found your blog. Hmmm…story was longer than I thought. So, anyways, there ‘ya go…how I wound up here. I’ll peek in from time to time a chime in with the occasional wry comment;) Oh! And the retro song in question? If you’re curious, you can here it here. Use headphones or good speakers, it’s mixed pretty well if I do say so myself…called it Space Monkey (no idea why). I don’t sing btw…just music (trust me, nobody needs to hear me sing).


  3. JJ says:

    While it’s true this spring (not officially summer until June 21st) has been on the wet and cool side, I’m not complaining as it is usually 14 trillion degrees (it’s true…I looked it up) by now in this neck of the woods, and I’m enjoying the non-existent energy bill at this time. It is only a matter of time before a mere walk to the car causes heat stroke and sunburn (well, for me, everything causes sunburn as a: I’m pale and b: working nights, I have only the faintest recollection what the sun even looks like, so when I do wander outdoors on days off, imagine a vampire self combusting in a puff of smoke…that’s me), so I’m enjoying the coastal weather while I can. Lemon drops? Long Islands? Drink tags? I’m afraid I’m much simpler than that…my cocktail consist of one ingredient, whiskey, and one garnish…ice. The only tag I would require would be labeled “pour bourbon here”. OK, if I’m feeling debonaire, I’ll have a Manhattan, but I’m not sure you could wrap a label around that skinny martini glass stem!

    • lifevents says:

      Hey John,

      Nice to hear from you – with a comment on my blog no less;) Firstly, I could make a tag that wrapped around a martini glass stem and it would definitely be cute! Probably not what you’re going for when feeling debonaire though. Second, I’ll work on the tag that says, “pour bourbon here”. My Welsh Grandma used to drink bourbon and water and taught me early on to make them for her – she made a game out of it for me – brilliant lady really;) Good to hear from you, hope all is well and that your summer doesn’t cook you too much.

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