Okay, so I was a little late posting the last post about our garden.  In truth, we planted everything around the end of June.  The pictures from yesterday’s post were taken around the beginning of July.  Today’s pictures were taken July 31st.  Okay, so now that I’ve got that weight off my shoulders…check out the ever growing garden!  I have no idea what we’re going to do with all these veges.  Eat them maybe?  Yeah, that’s the most logical thing.  However, I planted some things like radishes that I honestly don’t know what to do with.  Sure, put them in a salad.  And then what?  Our radishes were ready for harvesting a couple of weeks ago.  We were overrun with radishes.  My husband took some to work, we gave some to neighbors.  I think we ate a few.  Note to self, ‘next season when it’s time to plant the garden, make sure it’s veges and fruits that you know you eat a lot.’  Okay, so here’s your garden porn (and a little chicken porn thrown in for good measure) for the day – enjoy, try not to salivate on your keyboard, it could really muck things up for you:


August 1 Tomatoes, Basil & Corn


Corn, cucumbers, eggplants, watermelons , spinach & more


Bushel of Basil, Tomato Plants & A Peek at Carrots


Madeline & Coco Wondering where the snacks are


Bushel of Basil and Lots of Tomato Plants


Cucumbers, Eggplant, Watermelon, Squash, Corn & more


Cucumbers, Eggplants in front Box, Corn & More in the Back


Coq Au On The Run Into the Run




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