Get everyone in on the decorating action this year for Thanksgiving and have them help create some of the decor. Who here doesn’t like the part where you go around the table telling everyone what you’re thankful for? Is your hand up? Yes, mine too. Especially when the table consists of about 30+ people. We like to come up with new ways for all of us to express our thanks so it’s not the same thing every year. For this Thanksgiving party, we bought chalkboard shelf liner and chalkboard pens and set up the strips on the edge of the table on top of the linens, but under clear plastic plates so each person could write their own message or drawing and see the drawings and messages under the plates. When dinner was done, we lifted the strips and took pictures with the kids. It’s a great little piece of memorbilia from the day. Here are some pics and ideas for your next family reunion or Thanksgiving dinner.
Jun 202016