Hee hee, so gourmaaaay, sweet potatoes stuffed with chili and topped with fritos and a side of artichoke with delicious dipping sauce
Want a fairly healthy guilty pleasure? Chili Stuffed Sweet Potato is your answer. Make your own chili or buy a canned chili – try to find the most healthful version for your tastes. Bake a sweet potato the same way you would a regular potato – you want super easy? Pierce it a few times, rub some olive oil on the skin, and microwave it for about 8 minutes or so – stick a knife in it to see if it needs more time. Cut it in half lengthwise, scoop out the sweet potato, mix it in with your chili, spoon the chili into your sweet potato shell, then top with some cilantro, cheese and the not so healthy but not so bad corn chips if you only use a little, Frito-Lays. I paired mine with a steamed artichoke and some yummy dipping sauce that I made with greek yogurt, lemon juice and dill spices.