Now that I am a grandmother, I appreciate and find myself relating more to the things my mom passed onto me when she was living. She would write down tips in a small notebook that she had read, like a recipe book, and then she would test them. Here are a few that I will share Click Here to Continue Reading This Article […]
Ok men, here is your chance to step up to the plate ! The groom needs support also, so take your role seriously. After all most likely you are helping your best friend, brother or a close relative through a very special but often nerve racking time. So here is your list to keep you Click Here to Continue Reading This Article […]
It seems as if almost everyone is pinching their pennies these days. So, if you are trying to put on a wedding in these turbulent times, this can be a huge bit of stress. Here are a few tips & ideas to take the bite out of the expenses and keep your budget in tact. Click Here to Continue Reading This Article […]
Let’s get real, but not to real-vealing ! Your wedding website should give your family and friends exciting information on your wedding celebration itself, NOT, what argument you had with your bridesmaid’s sister or how unreasonable your mother is. It is not a blog, and even if it were, it is not appropriate to discuss Click Here to Continue Reading This Article […]
MOTHER KNOWS BEST… by Sharon Tittle When your friends and bridesmaids want to take you out after the rehearsal dinner to celebrate your last night as a single woman…Just say “NO” ! H. E. double hockie sticks NO! This is not the time to go drinking and staying out late. You want your bridesmaids and Click Here to Continue Reading This Article […]