Day 3: Spinach, two strawberries, half a lemon (peeled), big chuck of ginger root, 1/4 cucumber, small apple, dollop of apple juice. Blend. Tastes like: good, really good actually. Strawberries are nice addition and the peeled lemon took away the bitterness of the non-peeled lemon. Day 4: Spinach, two strawberries, half a lemon (peeled), one Click Here to Continue Reading This Article […]
Jan 282013
So awhile back I tried a 3 day detox juice cleanse from Detox Lounge here in San Diego. First, I’ll say that the juices themselves tasted good. That is the number one, most important thing for me if I’m going to eat, er drink nothing but juice for three days. There’s plenty of information out Click Here to Continue Reading This Article […]